Three important steps to recover after a DUI conviction

On Behalf of | Aug 19, 2022 | Criminal Law |

Getting a DUI is a serious disruption in your life, but it is not meant to ruin you.

If you can learn to view your arrest and conviction as a wake-up call, you can get through the experience and emerge a better version of yourself.

1. Stop drinking

Whether your DUI arrest resulted from a one-time mistake or a serious alcohol problem, it is clear that drinking impairs your ability to make good decisions. Therefore, it is in your best interest to remain sober for the time being, especially if you are working to regain your Virginia driving privileges.

2. Satisfy the court

After your DUI, you will likely have a lot of work to do for the court. Ignoring the judge’s orders and avoiding your consequences only shows the court that you are unable to accept responsibility. Addressing the following elements of your sentence will help you learn and grow:

  • Appear in court and meet with your probation officer
  • Pay your fines and court costs
  • Complete your court-ordered treatment plan or DUI education courses
  • Finish your community service obligations

3. Find new friends

After your DUI, you may decide to steer your life in a new direction. You want to make better choices, and to do so you may need to leave your peer group in the past. Do not become a recluse, but try to avoid the people who lead you to destructive behavior. Instead, rely on friends and family who lift you up and offer support to help you better yourself.

If you can face your DUI head-on,  you can expect to thrive in your life and future endeavors.

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