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During divorce, be careful what you share online

On Behalf of | Apr 23, 2021 | Family Law

If you are like many Americans, online platforms are a part of your daily social routine. According to the Pew Research Center, about 7 out of every ten U.S. adults use some type of social media.

Unfortunately, during divorce, anything you post online may become fair game in court. From child custody and support awards to division of marital assets, oversharing on social media may have a major impact on a judge’s final decisions.

Be wary of trusting privacy settings

Whichever platforms you are active on, checking and updating your privacy settings frequently is important. However, know that these settings may not be entirely reliable. In 2018, 14 million Facebook users found that an update-related bug changed their settings from private to public without their knowledge.

Think twice before sharing certain things online

Even innocent-seeming posts may paint a damaging picture out of context. Whether checking in at an out-of-town event, posting photos of a social gathering or sharing news about a promotion, travel plans or a big purchase, keep in mind that an opposing attorney could try to use information you share against you in a property or custody dispute.

Remember you may have mutual friends

If you and your spouse have been together for some time, you may have many mutual friends and friends-of-friends. A post you believe to be private could become public if even a single person in your network decides to share a post or ‘tag’ you in a photo.

While it may not be easy, you may want to take a break from social media during your divorce. If you do stay active online, consider how your post might look to a judge or your future ex’s attorney before sharing.
